To help protect you online, we’re implementing multi-factor authentication across our companies
At Long & Foster, the online safety of our agents, employees and clients is one of our top priorities, and that’s why we continually work to minimize the digital threats that you encounter every day. Toward that end, we proactively introduce new security measures across the company, and currently, we’re in the midst of implementing multi-factor authentication for all Long & Foster employees and agents.
What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
MFA is a security feature that helps enhance the safety of your email, protecting both your account and password. When MFA is activated, you will be required to enter a special code each time you use a new computer or mobile device to access your Long & Foster email, OneDrive or O365 applications for the first time, and anytime you use a web browser to use those systems. This is very similar to how many banks and even social media companies like Facebook now work to ensure your online privacy.
How does this help me and our clients?
Wire fraud is on the rise, and compromised, or hacked, email accounts are among the top methods that cybercriminals use to commit those crimes. With MFA enabled on your Long & Foster account, you have an additional layer of security to protect yourself from email hacking and your clients from wire fraud.
When will MFA be activated for me?
A phased launch of MFA is planned across The Long & Foster Companies, with over half of all agents and employees now having MFA enabled on their accounts. If you don’t yet have MFA activated but would like to get it today, contact the Help Desk at or 877-774-7747, selecting option 1 for MFA support.